Imago Advanced Training - Characterlogical Growth

When, Where, Who


Instructors: Sophie Slade, Ian Tomlinson

Date: Saturday 5th October - Monday 7th October 2024

In person, 9.00am  - 5.00pm each day

Location : The Village Hotel, Cheadle, Stockport, UK

Cost: Imago UK Member: £525, Non- Imago UK member: £575

You can pay by instalments if this helps.  Please contact me.

What This Workshop Is About

Every day we go to work with our clients we take our whole relational history with us, our joys and sorrows, our frustrations, our unresolved issues, our unmet needs, our adaptive strategies. Our many and varied reasons for becoming a couples’ therapist are probably deeply rooted in this relational history – what we experienced directly and what we observed in childhood. I believe that the more aware we are of what we bring, the less it unconsciously drives our ways of being and our interventions with our clients. Do you ever get triggered by particular clients (or by your partner for that matter) – that’s probably your stuff at least as much if not more than it is theirs?

The Characterological Growth training, which is required for Advanced Imago Clinician status, because we think it is so essential, invites you to take time to look deep within yourself, to peel back the layers of the cage you created to protect yourself, so you can reclaim your lost functions. It will help you to own and find a place for your Denied, Disowned and Hidden parts that you can get confronted with by your clients (as well as your partner and kids). We’ll also look at Loss, Grief and Forgiveness before we move into exploring and savouring what we appreciate and are grateful for. This training will take you on a profound journey to the next level of self-awareness.

How To Pay

Payment to Imago UK bank account

Account number: 00951102

Sort Code: 30-90-24


£525  - Imago UK members

£575 - Non- Imago UK members

If you wish to pay in instalments please email me or use my contact form on this website