3 Reasons Why You Should Be Working With Couples

Working as a therapist and thinking about working with couples? Great! I think you should do it, and here are 3 reasons why.


Working as a couples therapist will diversify your practice. Only working with individuals can get a bit samey, couples are a totally different ball game.

If you are going to be a confident, potent couples therapist then you are going to need to train in couples therapy so you really know what you’re doing.

Once you’ve trained then you will bring a whole new element into your practice. This will shift the energy in your day and mix things up for you.


There is a huge demand for well trained, confident couples therapists. Once you’ve diversified your practice and spent time working with couples word of mouth will bring you a steady flow of couples in need of therapy to your office.

A full practice and a substantial waiting list takes the pressure off financially, allows you to put your prices up to reflect the demand and gives you the opportunity to be selective in which clients you want to work with.

Why you should be working with couples


Ok, I’m stretching the whole D thing here but it’s true, working with couples is a delight!

Some of the most fulfilling and rewarding work I have ever done has been couples work. The impact you can have, not just on the the couple themselves, but on their whole family system is huge.

To be able to sit with a couple whilst they are in deep connection, talking about things they have never explored together before is a true privilege.

You can also have some great laughs with couples and the sense that you are working as a team to move them closer is really strong.

Do it!

So what’s stopping you? Get decent training (I’m going to suggest me for this role!) and get stuck in. Provided you are well trained to work specifically with couples you will be bringing a new and exciting dimension to your work and you won’t look back.

To find out more about training with me and becoming a confident, potent Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, click here.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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